Erratum Boris Berger pointed out that I made a mistake in the grammar that allows parsing 3 * 4 + 5 as 3 * (4 + 5) instead of (3 * 4) + 5. This is now corrected.

In an effort to learn Rust I wrote a parser for simple arithmetic expressions. I want to parse expressions of the form 1234 + 43* (34 +[2]) using a simple recursive descent parser. Maybe I’ll try one of the libraries for writing parsers next. Nom looks good.

First I define a grammar for my language. To refresh my memory about how grammars for arithmetic expressions should look like, I consult this site. I want * to have higher precedence than + and of course expressions in parentheses should have higher precedence still.

The grammar I came up with is as follows:

   expr -> summand + expr | summand
   summand -> term * summand | term
   term -> NUMBER | ( expr )


Next I want define a type for items in this grammar. Normally I’d use inheritance, but Rust doesn’t have inheritance, so instead I use an enum. Enums in Rust are very useful because unlike in C I can add information to an enum value. For my grammar items, I add the value of the NUMBER terminal to the corresponding enum value.

enum GrammarItem {

The nodes of my parse tree are structs that contain a GrammarItem and children in a vector like so

struct ParseNode {
    children: Vec<ParseNode>,
    entry: GrammarItem,

impl ParseNode {
    pub fn new() -> ParseNode {
        ParseNode {
            children: Vec::new(),
            entry: GrammarItem::Paren,

I know that each node can have at most two children, so a vector of children is probably overkill. But by using a vector I don’t have to worry about using Box to avoid recursive types.

I later on noticed that I could have saved a lot of mut and a couple of lines if I had made it posible to pass in the entry into the new. As it is right now I have to create the node and change it afterwards to set the entry to a value that I want. I also have to rely on the compiler to optimize the dead store away, or I waste some cycles. (I waste lots of cycles in this toy program anyway, so I don’t really care.)


Usually one parses by first lexing the input and then constructing the parse tree. The lex function gets a String and turns it into a vector of tokens. So first I define another type for tokens. Again I use an enum.

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum LexItem {

I could have used more enum values to distinguish between + and * and the different types of parentheses, but instead I just store the character. It probably would have been a good idea to add another integer to each LexItem that stores the location in the input at which the token starts. That would make error reporting more useful. Instead I will just use the position in the token stream for my errors. Since I’m the only user of this program, I will only be angry at myself, so it’s okay.

The language I want to parse is very simple to lex. Except numbers, all tokens are just a single character long. So instead of complicated things with regular expressions. Instead I iterate over the characters of my input String and use a match do create a LexItem. The match statement is really handy here, since I can specify multiple alternatives for the same case with | and ranges of characters are also supported.

fn lex(input: &String) -> Result<Vec<LexItem>, String> {
    let mut result = Vec::new();

    let mut it = input.chars().peekable();
    while let Some(&c) = it.peek() {
        match c {
            '0'...'9' => {
                let n = get_number(c, &mut it);
            '+' | '*' => {
            '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' => {
            ' ' => {
            _ => {
                return Err(format!("unexpected character {}", c));

I have the feeling that this method could be improved so that the vector doesn’t have to be mutable and is instead constructed directly using something like collect. I Python I would have written a generator from the loop and collected all yield-ed items in a list. If it were sufficient to consume only single characters, I could use map and collect to build my vector. But since get_number eats a whole number, I’m not sure how to do it.

I’m not particularly happy about this function because I need a peekable iterator and I call next() so often. I would prefer to call next only in the while, but I couldn’t figure out a way that lets get_number consume a whole number without consuming the first character after the number as well. If I were to call next in the beginner of the loop, I wouldn’t see that character.

For the same reason I can’t use take_while to get only the part of the iterator that contains digits into get_number. That function would hide the character after the number from my lexer.

To extract a number from the input I use the following function.

fn get_number<T: Iterator<Item = char>>(c: char, iter: &mut Peekable<T>) -> i64 {
    let mut number = c.to_string().parse::<i64>().expect("The caller should have passed a digit.");
    while let Some(Ok(digit)) = iter.peek().map(|c| c.to_string().parse::<i64>()) {
        number = number * 10 + digit;;

Here again I can’t use next in the while because I don’t want to consume the first non-digit, like take_while would. Instead I only peek at the next character. I use map to attempt a parsing of the digit into an int only in the Some case without having to do another if let. In case of None from the peek, map is a no-op. Maybe I should do some calculations involving the ASCII value of c, or alternatively extract the whole number as a slice and parse that to be more efficient.


The next step is to actually start constructing the parse tree. My parse function looks like this:

fn parse(input: &String) -> Result<ParseNode, String> {
    let tokens = try!(lex(input));
    parse_expr(&tokens, 0).and_then(|(n, i)| if i == tokens.len() {
    } else {
        Err(format!("Expected end of input, found {:?} at {}", tokens[i], i))

Parsing can fail, so I return a Result. I first attempt to lex the input using the lex function, which I will show you in a moment. Lexing can also fail, so lex also returns a Result. At first I had a match on the return value of lex, so that I could call the parsing function only upon success, but then I learned about the try! macro. That’s a neat helper function that takes a Result and unwraps it if it’s ok and otherwise returns the error.

If the lexing succeeds I stuff the tokens into the parse_expr function. The second parameter tells the function that it should start at the beginning. Since parsing can fail, parse_expr also returns a Result. In the success case, it returns a parse tree and an index one-past the last token it consumed. It can happen that the parse_expr function manages to construct a parse tree, but doesn’t consume all input. For example for the input string (1+2)(3+4) we manage to parse the (1+2) prefix, but then get stuck. In the success case, I want to check that the index returned indicates that we consumed all tokens. This doesn’t happen in the parse_expr function itself, because I want to use it recursively to parse the ( expr ) production in the grammar. In that case it is expected to stop parsing before consuming the closing ).

This time I use the and_then function of the Result type to continue the computation if parsing was successful (I think I could have used another try! if I wanted to. I don’t know enough Rust to say which is more idiomatic). The closure that I put into and_then gets the ParseNode n and the index i. If the index is too small, I error out. The error message is constructed using the format! macro.

I use the parse_expr function for a simple recursive descent. It looks like this:

fn parse_expr(tokens: &Vec<LexItem>, pos: usize) -> Result<(ParseNode, usize), String> {
    let (node_summand, next_pos) = try!(parse_summand(tokens, pos));
    let c = tokens.get(next_pos);
    match c {
        Some(&LexItem::Op('+')) => {
            // recurse on the expr
            let mut sum = ParseNode::new();
            sum.entry = GrammarItem::Sum;
            let (rhs, i) = try!(parse_expr(tokens, next_pos + 1));
            Ok((sum, i))
        _ => {
            // we have just the summand production, nothing more.
            Ok((node_summand, next_pos))

Instead of an iterator I use an index into the vector. I found this easier because usize can be copied around implicitly and I have no trouble with the borrow-checker. I first attempt to parse a summand with parse_summand. This returns a Result. I use try! to continue the computation if it succeeds. If I successfully parsed a summand, I check whether the next token is a +. I that case I need to parse the RHS of the + recursively. The function to parse a summand looks very similar.

fn parse_summand(tokens: &Vec<LexItem>, pos: usize) -> Result<(ParseNode, usize), String> {
    let (node_term, next_pos) = try!(parse_term(tokens, pos));
    let c = tokens.get(next_pos);
    match c {
        Some(&LexItem::Op('*')) => {
            // recurse on the summand
            let mut product = ParseNode::new();
            product.entry = GrammarItem::Product;
            let (rhs, i) = try!(parse_summand(tokens, next_pos + 1));
            Ok((product, i))
        _ => {
            // we have just the term production, nothing more.
            Ok((node_term, next_pos))

I suppose I could have abstracted a bit, but I don’t know whether the reduced code duplication would have been worth the increased complexity.

The function to parse a term looks most complicated, because this is where I generate all my more or less helpful error messages.

fn parse_term(tokens: &Vec<LexItem>, pos: usize) -> Result<(ParseNode, usize), String> {
    let c: &LexItem = try!(tokens.get(pos)
        .ok_or(String::from("Unexpected end of input, expected paren or number")));
    match c {
        &LexItem::Num(n) => {
            let mut node = ParseNode::new();
            node.entry = GrammarItem::Number(n);
            Ok((node, pos + 1))
        &LexItem::Paren(c) => {
            match c {
                '(' | '[' | '{' => {
                    parse_expr(tokens, pos + 1).and_then(|(node, next_pos)| {
                        if let Some(&LexItem::Paren(c2)) = tokens.get(next_pos) {
                            if c2 == matching(c) {
                                // okay!
                                let mut paren = ParseNode::new();
                                Ok((paren, next_pos + 1))
                            } else {
                                Err(format!("Expected {} but found {} at {}",
                        } else {
                            Err(format!("Expected closing paren at {} but found {:?}",
                _ => Err(format!("Expected paren at {} but found {:?}", pos, c)),
        _ => {
            Err(format!("Unexpected token {:?}, expected paren or number", {

The function is a lot simpler than the deep nesting makes it seem. We just check whether the next token is a number or a parenthesis. If it’s a number we simply return it. If it’s a parenthesis we parse the contained expression recursively and then check that the next token is a matching closing parenthesis. The function matching returns the matching parenthesis using a simple match

fn matching(c: char) -> char {
    match c {
        ')' => '(',
        ']' => '[',
        '}' => '{',
        '(' => ')',
        '[' => ']',
        '{' => '}',
        _ => panic!("should have been a parenthesis!"),

The last thing we need for this simple parser is a way to supply it with input. I use a the command line argument as input. The main function looks like this.

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
    if args.len() > 1 {
        println!("The first argument is {}", args[1]);
        println!("{:?}", parse(&args[1]));

The output is not terribly pretty:

$ ./main "1234 + 43* (34 +[2])"
The first argument is 1234 + 43* (34 +[2])
Ok(ParseNode { children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(1234) }, ParseNode {
children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(43) }, ParseNode { children: [ParseNode {
children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(34) }, ParseNode { children: [ParseNode {
children: [], entry: Number(2) }], entry: Paren }], entry: Sum }], entry: Paren }], entry:
Product }], entry: Sum })

If you properly indent it, it looks like this:

  ParseNode {
    children: [
      ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(1234) },
      ParseNode { children: [
          ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(43) },
          ParseNode { children: [
            ParseNode { children: [
                ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(34) },
                ParseNode { children: [
                    ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(2) }
                  entry: Paren
              entry: Sum
        entry: Paren
      entry: Product
    entry: Sum })

Pretty Printing

It is very simple to write a pretty-printer for ParseNode. It’s just a combination of match and format!. I should have done this first, it would have made debugging easier.

fn print(tree: &ParseNode) -> String {
    match tree.entry {
        GrammarItem::Paren => {
                    print(tree.children.get(0).expect("parens need one child")))
        GrammarItem::Sum => {
            let lhs = print(tree.children.get(0).expect("sums need two children"));
            let rhs = print(tree.children.get(1).expect("sums need two children"));
            format!("{} + {}", lhs, rhs)
        GrammarItem::Product => {
            let lhs = print(tree.children.get(0).expect("products need two children"));
            let rhs = print(tree.children.get(1).expect("products need two children"));
            format!("{} * {}", lhs, rhs)
        GrammarItem::Number(n) => format!("{}", n),

After integrating that function into main, the output is readable again:

$ ./main "1234 + 43* (34 +[2])"
The first argument is 1234 + 43* (34 +[2])
Ok(ParseNode { children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(1234) }, ParseNode {
children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(43) }, ParseNode { children: [ParseNode {
children: [ParseNode { children: [], entry: Number(34) }, ParseNode { children: [ParseNode {
children: [], entry: Number(2) }], entry: Paren }], entry: Sum }], entry: Paren }], entry:
Product }], entry: Sum })
1234 + 43 * (34 + (2))


The next step is testing the parser properly using QuickCheck. This is another thing that I should have done earlier. I actually found a small “bug” using QuickCheck. In the types I use i64, but I can only handle positive numbers. QuickCheck produced inputs with negative numbers which I failed to parse.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. To test with QuickCheck, I have to find a suitable invariant for my program that can be tested by throwing random inputs at it. The simplest thing for a deterministic parser like this is that pretty printing a parse tree and parsing the result again yields back the original tree.

In QuickCheck you have to implement a generator for test inputs. The trait is called Arbitrary and has two methods: arbitrary and shrink. The point of shrink is to provide a way for QuickCheck to reduce counterexamples to your invariant to something manageable. I only bothered to implement the arbitrary function and use the empty_shrinker to satisfy the interface.

I generate ParseNode instances recursively. The base case is a simple number. Otherwise I generate one of Paren, Sum, and Product and fill the children recursively. I use the random generator Gen as provided by QuickCheck. To generate a GrammarItem using the generator, I implemented the Rand trait for the enum. I found it a little strange that I had to do that manually, I would expect enums to magically work. Anyway, the implementation is not difficult. I just generate a random int and match over it.

impl Rand for GrammarItem {
    fn rand<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R) -> GrammarItem {
        let n = rng.gen_range(0, 4);
        match n {
            0 => GrammarItem::Product,
            1 => GrammarItem::Sum,
            2 => GrammarItem::Paren,
            3 => GrammarItem::Number(rng.gen()),
            _ => panic!("unexpected number"),

fn rec_node<G: Gen>(i: u32, g: &mut G) -> ParseNode {
    let mut node = ParseNode::new();
    if i >= 1 {
        loop {
            node.entry = g.gen();
            match node.entry {
                GrammarItem::Paren => {
                    node.children.push(rec_node(i - 1, g));
                GrammarItem::Sum | GrammarItem::Product => {
                    node.children.push(rec_node(i - 1, g));
                    node.children.push(rec_node(i - 1, g));
                GrammarItem::Number(_) => {}
    } else {
        node.entry = GrammarItem::Number(g.gen());

Then to implement Arbitrary I just call that function with a small value for i.

impl Arbitrary for ParseNode {
        fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> ParseNode {
           rec_node(5, g)

        fn shrink(&self) -> Box<Iterator<Item = Self>> {

The property I want to test is very simple to state. I use the quickcheck! macro to turn a function returning a bool into a QuickCheck test.

quickcheck! {
    fn prop(xs: ParseNode) -> bool {
        let pp = print(&xs);
        let parsed = parse(&pp).unwrap();
        println!("instance {}", pp);
        assert!(pp == print(&parsed)); 

The output is only shown by QuickCheck in case the property is not satisfied, so it’s okay to just spam the pretty printed tree there, it won’t clutter up my test runs unless I need the information.

As I said above, I actually found inputs where my property doesn’t hold. Namely, I can pretty print parse trees containing negative numbers, but I don’t parse them back. I fixed this by replacing i64 by u64 wherever appropriate. After this change the test runs green.

I could have tested more thoroughly. Pretty printing always produces nice whitespace and only uses ( and ) for parentheses. But I don’t think that it’s worth the effort to change this. I also don’t test error cases. Writing a generator that produces expression strings that trigger a particular error seems difficult, I think more traditional testing is better for this. But since writing normal tests is really easy in Rust (just write [#test] in front of a function), I won’t bother for this toy project.

So that about wraps it up. I learned a bit. The borrow checker is pretty helpful. Most of the time when it nagged me it was right and I was wrong. Enums and match are very useful for this kind of project. Testing is a breeze.

CC-BY-SA Adrian Neumann (PGP Key A0A8BC98)